Monday 30 May 2011

who wants to be a milionnaire????

dear fwen,
i want to share some good stuff with u guys..n if u are interested to find out,feel free to click this link.. but b4 dat,plis click this link
but if d other way around,im deeply sorry for d inconvinience..

Monday 4 April 2011

Leisure (Themes)

Appreciating life
The central idea is that there is more to life than rushing about and working.

Wonders of nature
One should take the time to contemplate the wonders of nature.

Leisure (Meaning)

Leisure is a simple yet beautiful and thought provoking poem written by William Henry Davies (W. H. Davies). In this poem, the poet wonders whether it is worth leading a life which provides one with no time for leisure.The poet, W. H. Davies, begins by questioning the purpose of a life which is so full of worry that it does not allow us any time to simply stand still and watch the world go by.
In the next few couplets, he describes the various things that people are not able to do due to lack of leisure.
Sheep and cows can often be seen standing still in vast open fields and staring into a distance. People living a busy life would not posses the leisure to stand under the branches of trees and keep gazing on and on like such ruminants.

W. H. Davies further adds that when such people pass a forest or a woodland, they would be in too much of a hurry to notice the nooks and crannies in the grass where squirrels conceal their nuts. They would not posses the leisure to notice the various aspects of the natural world around them.

In daylight, streams appear to be sparkling under the effect of sunshine making it seem as if the streams are full of stars like the night sky. However, such beauties of nature are likely to be missed by people overburdened by anxiety and living a life of haste without any leisure, remarks W.H. Davies.
There are two ways of looking at the fifth and sixth couplets of the poem: literally and metaphorically.
Looking at it literally- The poet states that the rush of life provides people with no leisure to turn at the glance of a beautiful maiden and marvel at her dancing feet.
They are unable to leisurely observe her as her mouth shapes out a smile that started from her eyes.
Looking at it metaphorically- W.H. Davies has personified the beauty of the world around us which many often fail to observe due to a lack of leisure. The dancing feet and enchanting smile refers to various aspects of the beauty around us.

In the final couplet of the poem, Davies states that a life which is so bogged down by worry that it allows one no time for leisure is indeed a miserable life. If you read the first couplet of ‘Leisure’ carefully, you will notice that although it ends with a full stop, (and is hence in the form of a statement) it can also be interpreted as a question asked by the poet. In that case, the final couplet can be seen as W. H. Davies’ answer to his own question.

A Fighter's Lines (Themes)

The important theme in this poem is patriotism. The persona’s experience of being a soldier and fought with the enemies and gone through hardships turned him to deeply love his country. But now he is old and disable and cannot do much to free his country from nowadays challenges. Even so because of his patriotism and he cannot bear to see the country sinks in the sea of lies, he urges the young to fight for it. He urges the younger generation to unite in spite of their differences and speak out the inequalities and dishonesties in the community so much so that the freedom retains.

A Fighter's Lines (Meaning)

Written by Marzuki Ali, this poem talks about the feeling of a retired soldier who had fought for the country independence. This poem is looking from the first person point of view whom is a retired soldier as the poem uses the pronoun I , as lies in the stanza:
I am old and worn
and have loss all my strength
and the history of the fight for independence
have forced sacrifices
that know no name
or life
From this Stanza, we know that the persona once had become a soldier and he had suffered a lot to free the country from invaders. During that time, they fought with all of their will and as the consequences now he is wheelchair bound due to the loss of energy and he is now old enough to only be able to sit on the wheelchair while monologues. This can be proven in the Stanza 2:
from the wheelchair of the rest of my days
I, body and energy crushed
After years of independence, the persona sees that the people are trying to destroy themselves by engulfing into the world full of lies. He says that there is nothing much he can do as he cannot control people’s mind as how he once did holding guns to destroy invaders. This is shown in the Stanza 2,
see and cannot do much
these times are too big a challenge
for the remnants of my crippled years
the net of deceit spread everywhere
disturb me
Due to the spreading of lies, he now urges new generation to speak out their opinions and fight for their freedom. He tells us in order to fight for our freedom, first we have to be united, ‘erect a wall of people’ regardless of our races or religions and fight for the sake of our nation’s harmony. As lies in the Stanzas 3 and 4,
In the name of justice
Wake up and form ranks sons of our ancestors
Be brave
And erect a wall of people
Stand up heirs of our freedom
I have no more voice
It is you now who should speak!
Why does he write this poem? As most of countries nowadays are aiming to reach the highest level of developments, our country, Malaysia also do not want to miss it out. But, without we realize, we slowly losing our morality and our country slowly engulfing in a sea of lies. He stresses here that if we, as the younger generation cannot find the way to prohibit the dishonesties and lies, we are putting our country fate in a danger as this dishonesties can shake the stability of our country and the peace it possesses. That is why in the Stanza 4, he urges the younger generation to be united disregard of the races and religions to speak out their opinions. This is important as these lies able to distract the peace and harmony of our country and finally lead to fight.

Heir Conditioning (Themes)

The title “Heir conditioning” has the same pronunciation as “air conditioning”. Thus, the title itself has highlighted the differences between the generations. In the past, our grandparents lived on basic neccessities. Lives were simple without inventions of technology. Now, in our generation, we have all kinds of luxuries because of the advancement in science and technology. However, we have become materialistic and individualistic. Now, money is our new god. Lives are not simple anymore. Pollutions and other problems arise because of the luxuries that we are indulging ourselves in.

Heir Conditioning (Meaning)

“Heir Conditioning” talks about the conditioning of the minds of the younger generation who are so dependent on modern inventions in their daily life. Their minds are so conditioned to having modern inventions to manage their daily life that to them it may seem impossible to live without these inventions. The poet seems to suggest that to the younger generation, progress is measured by the availability of modern gadget.
The poem is presented in a conversational style manner between a grandfather-grandchild relationship. In the first stanza, the grandchild’s questions seem naive, childlike and amusing when the grandchild asks grandparents how they could actually live without modern inventions such as air conditioners, fans, and fax machines. In the second stanza, the poet is lamenting that this destruction is of their own choosing, deliberate simply because they do not fear God and nature, the way the grandfather’s generation did.

Mr Nobody (Theme)

Taking responsibility
One of the themes is one should take responsibility if they do anything wrong.Instead of pretending to be innocent,one should find guts to confess its mistakes.

Mr Nobody (Meaning)

I believe it can have two interpretations:

1) Mr. Nobody is the person who gets blamed for everything that goes wrong in the house, but he’s really imaginary. It’s the people in the house doing the “bad” things, but they blame it on Mr. Nobody.

2) Mr. Nobody is an elf sort of figure from mythology. They are known to make mischief. I saw this song in my daughter’s piano book and it had a picture of a little elf-like man.

The River (Theme and synopsis)

The river in this poem has its own positive and negative side just like human beings.The theme highlighted in this poem is about nature itself where poet describes the criteria of the river.The river can be calm and at the same time it can turn to an ugly monster.

Synopsis of the poem
The River is about the many faces of a river.  The river is a wanderer where he moves all over the place.  He does not sit still and is always in motion.  He is also a winder where he twists and turns.  He meanders.  He  is  also a hoarder where  he  keeps  things  deep  down in  his  river bed.  Sometimes, he is a baby when he is happily flowing along. At times, he is a singer as seen through the happy sounds of the water.  Finally, he is also a monster and can devour trees (most probably referring to a flood).

The River (Meaning)

This poem is about the poet’s appreciation and perception of a river. The river in this poem is always written with capital letter as it is a proper name.
This poem is delivered in an admiring and fearful tone, as the river have the potential to be good or bad and humans have no capability of controlling it. A lot of metaphors are being used along with personification in this poem, such as in the line “The River is a wanderer”.
Stanza 1:
The poet perceives the River as a living thing; in this stanza as a wanderer, a nomad, and a tramp, and it never makes a stop.
Stanza 2:
The River will never stop. Not even when there are obstacles in front of it, it will twists and turns and makes its way through valley and hills.
Stanza 3:
The poet perceives the River as a hoarder; which take and keep anything that it wants in the riverbed.
Stanza 4:
The River is being perceived as a baby. By saying that “he gurgles and hums”, the poet makes it clear that the river is happy; but nevertheless, as the River is a baby, it is unpredictable.
Stanza 5:
In this stanza, the poet perceives the River as a singer and a dancer, and she added that the countryside echoes with the notes of “his” song. This might shows that the River promised people with life.
Stanza 6:
In this last stanza, the River is being perceived as a monster—a hungry and vexed monster. The poet warned that “he” gobbled up trees and he will eventually swallow people, too. This shows the sheer destructive power the River has.

I Wonder (Theme,Persona and Moral Values)


Children have so many questions to ask especially to close person such as parents or siblings.They wonder about so many things and they are hoping to get answers for each curiosity. As elders,we usually ignore the questions for most of time as the questions seem irrational and did not make any sense.However,such act makes children wonder more.


Nature is immensely amazing but most of us do not realize that fact as we are busy with our own thing.If we take just few moments to stop and look at the nature,then we will realize how beautiful they are.This poem actually urge human being to take few moments and think about the beauty of our nature.
The persona of the poem:
  • The persona is the voice in the poem (the person who might say the lines in the poem)
  • The persona might be an inquisitive child who observes the world around him.

Moral values : (What can we learn from the poem)

  • There is an existence of God
  • Care for our environment 
  • We must have a strong desire to learn a lot of knowledge. 

I Wonder (Meaning)

A child is wondering about the natural happenings, asking why the grass is green (instead of the other colours) and why the wind is invisible. He or she continues to ponder the person who teaches the birds to build nest and the trees stop growing. He or she also wonders when the moon is in crescent shape, where the other part of the moon is.
He or she proceeds to question about the person who makes the stars shining and how the lightning flash about. He or she keeps on asking who colours the rainbow and puts the clouds high in sky. He or she cannot get the answers, thus, directs the questions to the other. Lastly, the child wonders why father doesn’t tell him or her if he knows the answers.


I Wonder by Jeannie Kirby
The River by Valerie Bloom
Mr. Nobody
Heir Conditioning – M SHANmughalingam
A Fighter’s Lines – Marzuki Ali
Leisure – William Henry Davies